Upskilling Staff to Recognise and Approach Financial Insecurity

Many front-line staff working with vulnerable individuals struggle to talk about money with clients. Navigate can help you to recognise the signs of poverty as well as develop the skills needed to have compassionate and productive conversations about debt and money.

Alongside our current ‘Debt Awareness’ training, we also have ‘Having Difficult Conversations: Money’ and ‘Introduction to Benefits’ coming soon. Starting at just £5.00 per person online and face-to-face, contact us to find out more about our CPD courses here.

Financial Literacy Training for Employees

Let Navigate take the financial strain off of your employees, and improve productivity, attendance and well-being in your workplace.

days of work lost in 2021/22 due to sickness caused by poor financial well-being of employees
of employees cite worries about their financial situation impacting their productivity at work
cost of employee financial well-being absence to UK employers in 2021/22

Improve Employee Wellbeing

From just £20.00 per employee, we can provide financial literacy training, helping your employees to take control of their finances, move out of debt and achieve their saving goals.

Utilising our innovative, sensitive, and non-judgemental training techniques, your employees will benefit from a unique training experience, where they will be provided with useful tools to change their personal financial circumstances.

Our Training Courses

Our highly experienced, money-advice specialist coaches will take your employees on a journey of discovery through the maze of money management; using interactive tools, games and exercises which are proven to provide a truly interactive, stimulating and action-planning training session.

Working with Navigate will not only help you to improve sickness and productivity in the workplace but also provide the Navigate charity with valuable funds to continue our mission to improve the financial well-being of the most vulnerable people in our community.