Debt, Benefits & Money Services

Money worries can affect anyone at any time in their lives. At Navigate (Charity No: 1182020), we give people the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their money.

Help from Navigate in Somerset & Devon

If you live in the county of Somerset, or the districts of Mid Devon, Torridge, West Devon or North Devon, we may be able to advise and support if you are:

  • Finding it difficult to pay your heating bills
  • Struggling with debt
  • Borrowing money for essential spending
  • Worrying about your monthly repayments
  • Wanting to prepare a flexible, realistic budget
  • Being made ill by money worries
  • Coping with changes to your welfare benefits
  • Facing financial difficulty and needing help

We provide free advice and support for individuals only in the above areas. There are other organisations that provide support throughout the UK.

Making a difference

feel better able to cover essential
living costs, like gas, rent and food shopping
of debt identified and managed in 2022/23
of workshop attendees plan to use a personal budget at home to manage their money

Want Help to Navigate the Cost of Living?

We offer free workshops and courses for anyone living in Devon or Somerset, both face-to-face and online.