Our Team

All of the staff at Navigate are qualified and highly experienced in their respective roles. Most of all, we have a heart for helping people.

Our management team ensure that all strategic decision making and delivery of services places the client at the centre.

Our Guru (CEO) – Mel Allen

Mel works full time for Navigate and is driven by her desire to tackle social and financial exclusion. Mel worked for Wessex Resolutions CIC for 13 years, with 10 years as a senior manager for the organisation. Mel was instrumental in the development and implementation of money and debt advice services and has been responsible for all advice activity since its inception including; fundraising, building stakeholder relationships, managing and monitoring performance and developing new products and services in response to the growing needs of people facing social and/or financial exclusion.

Mel is supported by an experienced team of advisers and community development officers. Navigate are committed to delivering high quality, accessible services and all of us are extremely proud to be part of a team effecting positive change and achieving incredible, sometimes life changing, outcomes for the people we work with.

The Team

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See ‘Working for Us’

The Trustees