Find Out if You Can Apply
Who would you like help for?
Yourself Your Client A Friend or Family Member
Do you live in Somerset, North Devon, Mid Devon, West Devon or Torridge?
Does the person requiring help live in Somerset, North Devon, Mid Devon, West Devon or Torridge?
Yes No
Please select any of the following which make it difficult for you to access advice and support. Please select all that apply.
Please select any of the following which make it difficult for the person requiring help to access advice and support. Please select all that apply.
Mental ill health Physical ill health Caring for someone else with an illness or disability Transport Access to broadband and/or not confident online Speech Hearing Sight Language Difficulty with reading or writing Autism Spectrum Disorder Other (Please give details)
We are sorry but we can provide free advice and support for individuals only in the above council areas with qualifying needs.
There are other organisations that can provide support anywhere in the UK .
Please indicate that you consent to us storing your details for the purposes of processing your referral. Personal information may be kept in a file or on computer. If money and/or debt advice doesn’t proceed, personal data will be destroyed after 2 years. If money and/or debt advice does proceed, a Wis£rmoney member of staff will provide you with a copy of our Privacy Notice explaining in more detail what will happen to your data.
I Agree:
Reason for Referral
Please provide as much additional information as possible.
Risk Assessment:
The safety of our staff and clients is our greatest concern. We may contact you specifically to clarify details related to any risk present.
Since we work with our clients in their home, usually on a 1-2-1 basis, are there any risks present in visiting this home? Examples include: Access to property, Substance misuse, Criminal history, Behavioural concerns, Pets etc.
Please Tell Us About Your Current Situation
Please Tell Us About the Current Situation of the Person Requiring Help
Housing Situation
—Please choose an option— Not specified Homeless – rough sleeper Homeless – sofa surfer Homeowner – mortgaged property Homeowner – owned outright Homeowner – shared ownership Tenant – council property Tenant – housing association Tenant – living with family and paying rent Tenant – lodger paying rent Tenant – private Tenant – registered provider Tenant – rent free living with friends/family Tenant – temporary housing Tenant – tolerated trespasser Tenant – supported housing Residential care
Number of Adults in the Household
Number of Children in the Household
Best description of personal situation:
—Please choose an option— Carer for an adult over 18 with additional needs Carer for a child under 18 with additional needs Carer other Decline to answer Government work or training scheme In training or education Jobseeker Registered unemployed Retired Self employed Unable to work asylum seeker Unable to work for 6 months or longer Unfit for work Working full time (over 30 hours a week) Working part time (16-29 hours a week) Working part time (less than 16 hours a week) Zero hours/temporary/seasonal employment