Our Partners

Partner Organisations

Navigate works with a wide range of statutory and voluntary sector organisations and believe strongly that partnership work adds value to the activities and communities we work with; building the financial resilience of individuals and reducing the stress and anxiety of many, enabling them to open the door to greater community engagement and improved wellbeing.

Helpful organisations in Devon and Somerset

Wis£rmoney is a formal partnership between Navigate Charity and Encompass Southwest formed in 2011-12. Wis£rmoney is joined for specific projects by extended partners such as Mind in Somerset and West Devon CVS to support project delivery. Extended partnerships are governed by a collaboration agreement which details how the partnership operates and the roles and responsibilities of each organisation.

If you would like to explore partnership working with us please contact us.


Navigate is currently funded by:

Stakeholder Forums

As part of our project delivery, we hold Stakeholder Forum Events every six months, to review project progress and partnership working with local voluntary and statutory sector organisations.

These forums provide an opportunity to discuss issues and challenges, share knowledge, update on new projects available across the districts and to feed into the continuous improvement process.

The stakeholder forums have been well attended across all our projects with between 10 and 25 key agencies attending each event. Evaluation forms are completed at each event and the overwhelming response has been that these are valuable forums to all who have participated.

The Forums aim to:

  • provide space to network
  • promote strong working relationships
  • share our project outcomes and social policy issue findings
  • identify common trends across the partners
  • explore key areas that impact on rural isolation and financial wellbeing
  • offer the opportunity to shape the development and delivery of our services.

We know there are a lot of pressures on individual’s time, so we keep the meetings short; 2 hours and we are keen to make them a valuable, enjoyable and thought-provoking experience. We produce a summary report recording the discussion.

Our team will continue to organise Stakeholder Forums and regularly attend partner events and set up information stands or join team meetings to talk, listen, exchange good practice, answer questions about benefits, money capability, debt prevention, explain what advice services are available and how to access them.