Compliments, Comments & Complaints
We at Navigate and within the Wis£rmoney partnership, we aim to provide an inclusive, friendly and professional service. For more information on how you can provide feedback or make a complaint to us, please read on…

We welcome your views and comments. If you have any suggestions on how we can do things better, or to share any other feedback with us, please do get in touch.
“We need more of your
caseworkers to shorten waiting
Partner Agency – Devon
It is always reassuring and motivating for all of us to know that we are meeting the high standards of service that we set for ourselves. If you are pleased with the service you have received we would be delighted to hear from you. The below quotes are written by our debt and money advice clients:
“It wasn’t just the money debts; it was all the
other crap I was having to deal with at the time. Feelings. Maria was helping to get my head round things, She got me out of my shell and made me deal with things you know?”
“Kim’s helped so much. She’s orchestrated a
lot of things. I cant thank you enough for your
“Organisations like yours give people hope.”
“I don’t worry about money now. Sometimes I did. Didn’t want to get into a debt situation. Its reassuring. More comfortable. Feels very
good sometimes. I would certainly call you
again if I needed more advice and help.”
“Maria’s help got me out of a rut and thinking normal again. It gave me a bit of purpose, which I’d lost. It made me think – There’s hope – I can get through this. Get on with living
If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied with the service you have received from Navigate Charity or the Wis£rmoney partnership, please contact us so we can try to resolve the problem straight away. If you are worried about making a complaint, please be assured we will do all we can to assist you and address your concerns appropriately. You may wish to seek advice or support from a third party organisation.
We will try to address your concern immediately, but if this is not possible, we will write to you to acknowledge that your complaint has been received. In that communication, we will provide you with a copy of our complaints handling
procedure and indicate the timescale in which we will respond to your complaint. This will normally be within 10 working days.
When people complain, our aim is to:
- Clearly understand the concerns/issues being raised and the resolution sought.
- Investigate and understand the facts of the situation, so we may contact you or other parties involved in order to ascertain all the relevant information we need.
- If we are unable to respond within the timescales indicated, we will write to you again before the expiry date to advise you of a revised timescale for responding to the issues raised. We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days.
If your complaint concerns a Senior Manager, your letter should be addressed to the Chairman of the Board. Once our investigation has been completed, we will write to you with a ‘final response’ which will detail the outcome of our investigation, any corrective action already taken and our proposal for any other necessary action required to resolve your complaint.
Please note:
Encompass SW and Mind in Somerset as formal Wis£rmoney partners have their own complaints procedures and can provide copies of these if required.
If you are not satisfied by our response…
If you believe that we have failed to properly address your concerns in our final response, or believe we have failed to comply with the undertakings we have given whilst dealing with your enquiry, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, details of which will have been sent to you as part of our final response letter.
Their contact details are as follows: The Financial Ombudsman Service
TEL: 0800 023 4567
POST: The Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange
Tower London E14 9SR
All complaints relating to regulated activity will be reported to the Financial Conduct Authority and recorded and kept on file for two years. Any personal data provided to Navigate Charity will be processed in accordance with the relevant Data
Protection legislation and used to respond to your communication and improve our services.
For further information please contact us for details of our Privacy Notice. If you have any concerns about the way your data has been handled, and if you feel that we have not addressed your concerns, you have the right to complain to the
Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
Contact: 0303 123 1113/